Latest Reflections
Honour your truth even if no one is nodding in approval
Luba Kassova | October 26, 2023
Two people looking into each other’s eyes sounds pretty trivial, right? Actually, it is not as easy as you think if you do it for a while. I discovered this at a recent yoga/wellness retreat I attended organised by Breath Body Earth , where the focus...
Lessons from a yoga retreat for burnt-out minds…
Luba Kassova | October 20, 2023
When was the last time you attended a gathering with people of all different ages, educational backgrounds, origins, professions, social classes, nationalities and religions, where everyone – and I mean everyone – was interested in you as an...
We need to talk more about the crushing pressure society places on men
Luba Kassova | September 28, 2023
A few nights ago, my older son found out that one of his dad’s friends had taken his own life. He is the third man within my son's families’ wider network of acquaintances to do so over the past few years.?. My son’s response was to go...
Talk to your child about the dangers of porn. Now.
Luba Kassova | September 12, 2023
If you are a parent of a 10-year-old or over, talk to your child about the dangers of porn. Pronto. Any later than this might be too late. I lost my first (signed) copy of Caitlin Moran’s book “What about men?” while travelling...
Sensitivity is a superpower. Cultivate it.
Luba Kassova | August 28, 2023
I grew up believing that being sensitive is a weakness, something I had to learn to cope with. When I was young my friends teased me for being “overly sensitive” or “touchy”; for “overthinking things” or...
What is Love But…
Luba Kassova | August 15, 2023
I have come to the realisation that, counterintuitive as it may sound, our society doesn’t focus enough on love. Not love as a romantic sensation, a chemical reaction, an irresistible attraction, but love as the most fundamental fabric of humanity....
Can we ever know the legacy we leave behind?
Luba Kassova | July 25, 2023
What is the positive legacy we leave behind? This is a question that was posed to someone I love by a guru at a summer retreat high up in the mountains of Europe. The question was not open or exploratory however; it was followed by a closed definitive...
Certainty, doubt and inclusive journalism
Luba Kassova | June 30, 2023
We often oversimplify the world and introduce false binary oppositions to feel more certain, safer and thus more empowered in our lives. Feeling certain is one of our medicines against anxiety. By contrast, uncertainty is one of the hardest states of being...
The ruthless ageist in my head
Luba Kassova | June 14, 2023
Recently I had a zoom session with presenters and editors of a radio station in Bulgaria which kicked off with a round of introductions. “I feel conscious of being the oldest amongst us”, a very eloquent and warm woman presenter opened her...
The emerging divide around AI and what it tells us about human nature
Luba Kassova | June 06, 2023
As I am driven in the back of yet another seatbeltless taxi in Sofia, I ponder risk, uncertainty, the impermanence of existence and the latest emerging line of polarisation: whether AI could overwhelm and destroy humanity or whether hypothesising to that...