Latest Reflections
Being kind is not being a p*ssy. It’s being human
Luba Kassova | April 30, 2024
I am addicted to Suits at the moment (I don’t know how I missed it when it came out, but I did). Its Shakespearean-style modern storytelling, filled with power struggles, betrayal, passion, love, hate, abandonment, quick-witted dialogue, tribal...
The underused art of asking questions in the era of polarisation
Luba Kassova | April 10, 2024
This article was first published in Bulgarian in How well do we know the people closest to us, their hopes, deepest fears, dreams, most vivid memories? And why does this matter, you may think? In our increasingly polarised and distrustful...
Why do we abuse our bodies for charity?
Luba Kassova | March 20, 2024
Last week, many of us Britons were immensely proud of Mollie King, a much-liked BBC Radio 1 presenter, who raised more than a million pounds for Comic Relief by completing a gruelling 500 km cycle, despite having no previous long-distance cycling...
To IWD or not to IWD. Why ditching International Women’s Day would hurt women
Luba Kassova | March 06, 2024
Every year in the run up to International Women’s Day on 8th March, part of the conversation on social media invariably turns to whether or not International Women’s Day (IWD) should be celebrated at all. It’s a remarkable and rare...
Holding on to our memories of love
Luba Kassova | February 13, 2024
Last weekend Richard and I ended up spending the whole of Saturday afternoon binging on all 13 episodes of the highly positively reviewed “One Day” Netflix series . Richard had been feeling poorly that day, one child had a friend over,...
The space in between
Luba Kassova | January 24, 2024
Have you ever thought about the pause in between breaths? I have been fascinated with this for some time. Focusing on it periodically has been a source of tranquillity for me. Our world is so tumultuous that it resembles a ship caught up in a...
What to do when purpose turns toxic
Luba Kassova | December 07, 2023
When I was younger, I was larger than life. Even losing my mother in my late teens didn’t dampen my gregariousness. In my late twenties, I remember experiencing pure joy on a long weekend spent in Madrid with a university friend. Anyone who has walked...
We always carry the hope we are craving for. We just need to (re)connect with it.
Luba Kassova | November 20, 2023
We couldn’t have asked for a better autumnal evening to close the weekend at my recent yoga retreat. An evening that involved lighting a campfire, sitting around it, sharing prayers, and singing songs together. An evening that was soft, peaceful,...
We can only feel as much joy as we can feel sorrow
Luba Kassova | November 09, 2023
We often think that the less sadness we feel, the more joyful we will be. It’s logical, isn’t it? Well, as logical as this sounds, it is not true. Quite the opposite in fact. One of my most revelatory recent experiences took place on...
The long journey from our heads to our hearts
Luba Kassova | November 02, 2023
One of the pitfalls of my work as a writer, researcher, journalist, and strategist is that it encourages me, perhaps even requires me, to reside in my own head. Lately it has felt that I’ve been in my head for so long that it has started to feel too...