“In 2019 I decided to shift my career away from data analysis and crafting presentations to focus more on evidence-based non-fiction writing. Not writing enough became a burden on my mental health, whereas writing became not only a necessary form of self-expression, but a tool for aligning my competences and talents with my hopes for the future and my personal values.
Human beings think in and are galvanised to act by stories. I am fascinated by the fact that stories integrate all parts of our brain, bringing together what would otherwise remain unconnected. Our ability to empathise and to feel compassion is also powered by stories. The challenge we face is that every day each one of us produces and is exposed to thousands of different stories. Consequently, we discern between them to select those that resonate most with our values and our biases, thus often leaving out some that are vitally important. Too many stories do not balance emotions with facts. Those that cut through the noise are the ones that touch both our hearts and our minds.
I write stories that create a symbiosis between emotions and evidence. In my writing I bring heart to rationality; humanity to numbers; softness to hard stats; and generalisable truths to individual human experiences. I pair emotions with evidence to create stories that propel people to act. For it is human stories that create empathy but evidence that tells us which stories to trust. In our deeply polarised world, empathy and compassion provide the path to unity so in my writing I use human experiences as a source of empathy and evidence as a guiding light to truth.”
I believe in…
Equity of opportunity and the equality of all human beings irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, education, nationality, disabilities, affluence levels or creed
The need to urgently heal our battered planet
The power of compassion in bridging societal polarisation
The imperative need for free news media to hold those in power to account
Health and well-being for all children
The power of integrity, honesty and truth, and the courage to speak up for those who are silent or silenced.
Awards and Recognition
From Outrage to Opportunity: How to Include the Missing Perspectives of Women of All Colors in News Leadership and Coverage, launched November 2022
"...an unprecedented analysis of newsrooms and news stories from six countries – the UK, Nigeria, India, South Africa, Kenya and the US."
The Guardian, Nov 2022
“This important piece of research lays bare the continuing suppression of women’s voices in the news media, the cost to society of the loss of these viewpoints, and the gains that could be won by making the media more representative of the societies they cover.”
Mary Ann Sieghart; The Authority Gap author, journalist, broadcaster, Nov 2022
"The humanness of the report away from cold scientific points of research distinguishes it from other similar endeavours...One of the most valuable points made is that the issue of gender and racial inequality in news should be dealt with with compassion rather than judgement...I believe this report should serve as a zeitgeist for transformation in newsrooms."
Qaanitah Hunter, News24 Assistant editor: Politics and opinion, Nov 2022
“From Outrage to Opportunity is not only incredibly insightful yet also, the report does not shy away from uncovering the individual, systemic and organisational challenges that intersectional communities face and how the global media industry can drive change by having targeted approaches across the news value chain..."
Sandra Masiliso Creative Diversity Lead – 50:50 the Equality Project & BBC News, Nov 2022
"This is a great report. It is anchored in rich quotes from the real people who have been affected by the inequalities and discrimination. Moreover, it does not just focus on the problems but importantly provides solutions on many levels - not just some blanket recommendations - but what one can do at an individual level, what media organisations can do and what society can do. "
Pamella Sittoni, Executive Editor, Nation Media Group, Nov 2022
Winner of the 2021 Web Report award (Society category), awarded by Dir.bg, the largest news aggregator in Bulgaria, for exceptional achievement in Journalism for the article 'How Bulgaria sacrificed its elderly generation'.
The Missing Perspectives of Women in News
2021 Media Research Group Winner for Best International Research. Shortlisted for Best Research Initiative.
“The brilliant Luba Kassova explaining why women and girls being represented in news and media is not simply a nice-to-have but a necessity! We're so proud to be founded off her work.”
Missing Perspectives (platform dedicated to elevating the voices of young women around the world, set up in response to Luba’s report)
Jul 2021
“Thanks Luba Kassova for your research highlighting the missing perspectives of women in the news. I am using my social media platforms to amplify the voices of women working on the #climatechange & #naturerecovery agenda”
Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, Co-Chair of the Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment.
Mar 2021
“Excellent report by Luba Kassova. The news media isn’t doing enough to make women’s voices and perspectives heard in the news”
Maite Taboada, Professor of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University
Dec 2020
“This "Gender Parity News Checklist" by Luba Kassova is packed with 20 concrete actions that media orgs can tackle to improve gender parity internally, with the stories they include and how they cover gender issues.”
Laura Garcia, Mexican Multimedia Journalist, UK chapter of the Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers
Dec 2020
“The ‘missing perspectives of women in news’ is alarming and grim, a new report shows”
Amaris Castillo, Writing/research assistant for the NPR Public Editor and contributor to Poynter.org
Dec 2020
“Must-read of the day: 'The Missing Perspectives of Women in News', an in-depth analysis of women's under-representation in news media & 50 recommendations for change”
European Journalism Centre
Dec 2020
The Missing Perspectives of Women in COVID-19 News
2021 Media Research Group Winner for Best International Research. Shortlisted for Best Research Initiative.
“Luba Kassova wakes us up to an all too predictable but painful truth: women’s perspectives in COVID-19 news continue to go largely unheard by society’s most influential sectors, including the news media”
Ithateng Mokgoro, Entrepreneur, Designer, Curator, TEDx Johannesburg
Mar 2021
“A very interesting and insightful report by Luba Kassova of AKAS looking into missing perspectives of #women in COVID-19 news coverage. The conclusions go far beyond women’s presence in media reporting and are much telling about the disadvantaged position of women given the economic and social impact of the COVID crisis”
Rafalł Wieladek, Senior Economist with the European Commission
Oct 2020
“The injustice of this makes me want to become an MP. Or start a riot. Or both. 51% of the population; Over 75% of the health, care and education sector; No voice. Female voices 'drowned out' in reporting on Covid-19, report finds”
Kate Jarman, Director of Corporate Affairs, Milton Keynes University Hospital
Oct 2020
“This is valuable research from Luba Kassova on the serious underrepresentation of women in COVID-19 coverage…It also correlates with research underpinning our UNESCO reports on COVID-19 disinformation which recommended more gender sensitive responses”
Dr Julie Posetti, Global Director of Research, ICFJ
Oct 2020
“Such an important piece of work and something that sadly reflects a society and an industry where the challenges and marginalisation of women has been exasperated by Covid-19”
Hannah Storm, Media Consultant, Former Director and CEO of the Ethical Journalism Network (EJN)
Sep 2020